apple pie

isn’t every moment more precious than the last?

there will never be another october thirteenth, twenty twenty-two


i’m in a race to make enough good memories to outweigh the bad ones,

and the bad ones are always hard on my heels


core memories that come to mind:

†      a cacophony of fried vocal cords, tequila, and friendship while dancing to whitney houston in the back of a strobing party bus

†      when i was three - the day my dad left

†      the first time i spoke with death


my mother tried tradition

it never stuck quite like my strawberry jam on countertops

but every christmas, we would make apple pie

and every christmas since, i make apple pie

make and make and make enough and it becomes a memory


a poem that tastes antique:


cinnamon sandbox

            scoured by sticky

kid fingers       mother’s opal ring stirs


silk apple slices

            awash with beads of

lemon              & sugar scraps


            some breezy texas holiday

easy                 sneaking a honeyed wedge   

or two


            mother tucks them in their butter-soft bed


presses fork to edge

around like

            secondhand of a clock

nip of nutmeg              bake for thirty minutes

or until sweet syrup oozes from

three x’s


i’m ravenous

sweet-toothed and spiced

mother’s only mess

in cinnamon-stained chiffon


some people know and others don’t – and those that don’t know won’t be surprised and the ones that do know weren’t –my psyche is sticky sick


i do not consider it a superpower, nor do i consider it a flaw

i consider it a good reason to communicate as effectively as possible because my mind is made of glass

i cradle it with gloves on


we should challenge ourselves to reframe success as memory-making / joy-seeking / love-giving rather than the number of likes on a post

bodies in an audience

names on a marquee

streams on a record


i am always running

unclear if it’s towards something or away

seek joy and she will find you

when doors are closed in your face

build your own frames

hence why i’m ready to run

            here is a panic room


being an artist means interrogating visibility versus patience versus promise

a large part of me makes art and crooks words and makes pie because i ache for someone to see

another part of me is in a rush / am a blur

a part of me knows i’ll never make it there


my high vibrational self is static

my low vibrational self is writing shit like this


                                    make and make and make and


core memories that come to mind:

†      at the funeral of my dear friend’s mother, who was my own mother’s best friend, after she succumbed to her long battle with breast cancer, and her husband sat at the altar of the church with his cello and played a song he wrote for her, saturating a room of stagnated lungs, time irrelevant and condemned, and i don’t think i’ve ever cried so hard

†      the final scene of the first performance of a relived nightmare

†      names and faces of soulmates like rashaun, kyle, kate, mo, cheyney, sam, taylor, zak, katlin, erika, matt, and rose

†      the first time i looked death in the eye

we shouldn’t be worried about being chosen when we can and should choose ourselves

hence, communication


i think love is asking

            ask about a day

            ask about a heart

            what’s your favorite flavor of pie


one of my close friends recently asked me what the happiest moment of my life has been so far – i could only measure it in faces


i wish i cried more

maybe more people would ask


the happiest moment of my life: the moment i finally broke open

even though nobody asked –

i asked me and i answered


core memories that come to mind:

†      when i traveled by myself between california and texas four times in three months and my independence paid off – i can eat a whole pie on my own

†      when i scooted away from my lord of the rings themed neopets guild and cried realizing frodo baggins and i would never be together because he isn’t real

(i told someone about this recently / tucked myself in embarrassment – they reminded me it’s actually quite soft)

†      apple pies

†      the first-time death almost led me home